Integrative healthcare specialist, clinical nutritionist, ISSA certified specialist with a global practice
- Core practice in the field of 'Integrative Lifestyle Health Care' and Life Coaching.
- ISSA Certified specialist in Sports Nutrition
The one word that promptly compels us to visualize a vivid picture of the pharmaceutical universe, with terms like allopathy, chemotherapy, radiation, antibiotics, drugs and surgical processes and all the things that conventional doctors in the medical profession do.
At the other end of the spectrum, we have “alternative medicine” which comes with its own set of study and practice rules.
As a formally trained clinical nutritionist, Shalini compliments both sciences and goes beyond either of the practises and with her vast experience, Shalini’s area of expertise is “Integrative Medicine” where conventional doctors do what they have to do and Shalini goes at a much deeper level with an holistic approach that fundamentally addresses the “Lifestyle” of her patients.
This, in many cases, has helped her patients wean off being perpetually being “under medication”
Shalini has diversified her study and researches food, bioengineering of foods using technology to generate nutrient dense foods, human anatomy at a cellular level, and the real impact of exercise on muscular ageing.