About Us


Integrative healthcare specialist, clinical nutritionist, ISSA certified specialist with a global practice

The one word that promptly compels us to visualize a vivid picture of the pharmaceutical universe, with terms like allopathy, chemotherapy, radiation, antibiotics, drugs and surgical processes and all the things that conventional doctors in the medical profession do. At the other end of the spectrum, we have “alternative medicine” which comes with its own set of study and practice rules.
As a formally trained clinical nutritionist, Shalini compliments both sciences and goes beyond either of the practises and with her vast experience, Shalini’s area of expertise is “Integrative Medicine” where conventional doctors do what they have to do and Shalini goes at a much deeper level with an holistic approach that fundamentally addresses the “Lifestyle” of her patients.
This, in many cases, has helped her patients wean off being perpetually being “under medication”
Shalini has diversified her study and researches food, bioengineering of foods using technology to generate nutrient dense foods, human anatomy at a cellular level, and the real impact of exercise on muscular ageing.


Integrative healthcare specialist, clinical nutritionist, ISSA certified specialist with a global practice

The one word that promptly compels us to visualize a vivid picture of the pharmaceutical universe, with terms like allopathy, chemotherapy, radiation, antibiotics, drugs and surgical processes and all the things that conventional doctors in the medical profession do. At the other end of the spectrum, we have “alternative medicine” which comes with its own set of study and practice rules.
As a formally trained clinical nutritionist, Shalini compliments both sciences and goes beyond either of the practises and with her vast experience, Shalini’s area of expertise is “Integrative Medicine” where conventional doctors do what they have to do and Shalini goes at a much deeper level with an holistic approach that fundamentally addresses the “Lifestyle” of her patients.
This, in many cases, has helped her patients wean off being perpetually being “under medication”
Shalini has diversified her study and researches food, bioengineering of foods using technology to generate nutrient dense foods, human anatomy at a cellular level, and the real impact of exercise on muscular ageing.
A subject close to heart is the impact of the food that we put in our mouths impacting our physiological make up with its essential life functions.
A special field of work is intense research in traditional food customs in regional food and herbs across various geographies of the planet to deliver and harmonize the mind and body balance.
She studies multiple aspects of the immune system, genetic variations, isolating, analysing, and customising health solutions
In the fast mutating world of viruses and other pathogens, an ongoing area of study is the mutations that lead to newer strains of diseases beyond traditional medical boundaries.
Nutrition is best designed by evolution of the human race and hence a simple science, like all other things from mother nature. So …NO fad diets, NO one size fits all jargon, NO esoteric foods or artificial compounds!
Shalini Singh’s “philosophy of life”

Be Passionate about the one life we have now!

We are hence beholden to maintain our physical and mental health to the best that mother nature intended, so that our every thought and action balances life forces and gets the best of our human potential.


"Health before healing - nature's secrets naturally"

Our research and study is focussed on delivering a healthy you, with whole foods and real ingredients even in the age of ‘fast foods’

Debunk "diet" fads, develop a taste for simple healthy cooking.

Promote long term health goals with a totally unique and customized nutrition plan that works best for your current individual life style and demands.

Shalini Singh’s Aadhiswasthya believes that nutrition and food habits evolve along with the human race and hence is a simple science like all other aspects of Mother nature. So once again

No fad diets

No one size for all approach

No esoteric foods or the artificial build-up

Our Commitment

" To lead you to a state of your perpetual good health sustainable over time, aiding your metabolism, your lifestyle that you get the best out of your life. "

How do we do what we do :

With a clinical approach to your nutrition, we hand hold you to a disciplined practical bridge that lets you

Succeed in your health goals.

Maintain your favourite foods list (ofcourse, we will build the just right quantity) .

No painful changes in your dietary routine .

One small step at a time jointly to get to a healthier you through lasting, sustainable and enjoyable changes.


Shalini has diversified her study and researches food, bioengineering of foods using technology to generate nutrient dense foods, human anatomy at a cellular level, and the real impact of exercise on muscular ageing.


+91 93244 21111


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