Home Superfood Garden Cress Seeds

Garden Cress Seeds

by Shalini Singh

Garden cress ā€“ (Chandrashura : ancient Indian Ayurvedic herb) Ā Its seeds are useful in cases of ā€˜feeling of bloated tummyā€™, irregular periods, estrogen deficiency etc. Garden cress is Ā used in traditional cooking as well. Ā 

Benefits of Garden Cress

1. Medicinal Properties

The leaves, stem and seeds of garden cress are used in traditional healing. for example, the seeds are used as remedy for minimizing asthma symptoms and improve lung function in people suffering from asthma. Garden cress can be used for treating patients suffering from bleeding piles.

2. Regulation of Menstrual Cycles

Phytochemicals in the garden cress seeds are similar to estrogen therefore consumption regulates the periodic cycle.

3. Indigestion

Garden cress seeds can be eaten to relieve the symptoms of constipation and indigestion.

4. Respiratory Infection

Garden cress seeds can be chewed or blended and mixed with honey, which is taken as an expectorant for treating cold, headache, asthma, sore throat and cough.

5. Iron Deficiency

Garden cress seeds are used for treating patients suffering from iron deficiency (anemia). Consumption of these seeds help to boost the haemoglobin level over time.

6. Culinary Purposes

Garden cress is characterised by peppery, aromatic and tangy flavour. It can be eaten raw in salads and sandwiches or used as herbs for food seasoning. The seeds can also be roasted with salt before eating.

7. Dermatological Treatment

Garden cress seeds can be blended with water and honey to form a thick paste that can be applied on the skin to treat sunburn, irritated skins, dry skin and broken lips.

8. Hair Loss Treatment

Garden cress is an excellent source of protein and iron thus can be used for treating people suffering from hair loss.

9. Immunity Boost

Consumption of garden cress stem, leaves and seeds help to boost the immune system.

10. Milk Production

Consuming garden cress helps to stimulate the mammary glands to start producing milk in lactating mothers. Due to this powerful property of garden cress, new mothers are encouraged to eat food containing garden cress to facilitate milk production. Moreover, due to the high protein and iron contents of garden cress, it is ideally given post-partum to breastfeeding mothers.

11. Aphrodisiac

Consumption of garden cress helps to improve and boost libido.

12. Gastrointestinal Treatment

Garden cress can be used as a laxative and purgative for patients suffering from constipation. Garden cress seeds can be blended and mixed with honey, which is used for treating diarrhoea and dysentery. Garden cress can be blended and infused with hot water, which is used for treating colic especially in children.

13. Anti-carcinogenic

Garden cress seeds have antioxidants that help to prevent free radicals from damaging the body cells. Due to this property, it can serve as a chemoprotective compound for protecting the body from cancerous growths.

14. Nutritional Values of Garden Cress

Garden cress is an excellent source of folic acid, vitamins C, dietary fiber, iron, calcium, protein, vitamin A, folate and vitamin E. The seeds of garden cress are also highly nutritive and they contain ascorbic acid, tocopherol, folic acid, calcium, linoleic fatty acids, iron, beta-carotene and arachidic.

15. Memory Booster

Garden cress seeds contain arachidic fatty acid and linoleic acids aiding brain development and as a memory booster.

Side-effects of Garden Cress

1. Diuretic Properties

Garden cress contains diuretic properties thus patients suffering from frequent passage of water and urine should be cautious when consuming Garden cress.

2. Abortifacient Properties

Garden cress is abortifacient in nature thus capable of inducing abortion in early pregnant women if taken in excess. Pregnant women should refrain from eating garden cress as it has the tendency to induce uterine contractions and abortion. Garden cress seeds can increase uterine contraction, thus certain traditional practitioners use it to induce labor in late stages of pregnancy.

3. Goitrogenic Properties

Garden cress contains goitrogens, which affect the proper functioning of the thyroid gland through its interference with iodine absorption. If consumed in excess, this could cause the thyroid gland to enlarge, thereby causing goiter and hypothyroidism.

DISCLAIMER: All of the these are only general guidelines We always recommend consulting your medical practitioner depending upon the intensity of the case and taking a considered medical opinion .

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Shalini has diversified her study and researches food, bioengineering of foods using technology to generate nutrient dense foods, human anatomy at a cellular level, and the real impact of exercise on muscular ageing.


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